what happens if a heart works on levels not to be described to by anyone
What happens if i literally under purgery state that i may have caused yt to go to jail? reason being an AP dause that states him possible under a flow which had him write music lyrics which are the core reason anyone would want to commit acts which he his being found charged for. if said claims wwere to be acknowledged then reason stands under strict scruitny that with in the AP writing lay specific code under no duress but rather of repitioton of understanding the contents. at a time of 2015 much documents had been established on said AP site in which a type of lunacy with purpose can be possibly found for it reads as a Q code if you will and yt fell in a rythem for already a word person took liking to said AP. i under purgery would state that my writings could have come from a dark place of resentment and self loathing. therefore some one might find a nicer way to use those words and it turned into simply money from his use of words there in. reason stands in proof, that many his friends and fellow word users in music Form reference AP blatently as if by repitiotion and rhythem discussed for i too writer of these words which i write felt dispair and took myself to severe places which would have made me lose my children and wife. in comparision of life being in prision and no family depressed and well documented it is safe to say the parallels are not coincendence but raher 6 degrees for his fellows use an AP reference which is well established and thus a new questioning is briught forth.. did the writings and myself force yt to be where he is or is your side of law willing to go forth on the over glorified charges laid before him? i state these facts the best and true to my knowldge nicholas isaiah robinson